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Saudi Aramco raises August oil prices

Saudi Aramco raises August oil prices
Aramco raised August prices to all markets
-0.54% 27.60 -0.15

Riyadh – Mubasher: The Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) has raised the August official selling prices (OSP) for its Arab light crude oil sold to all markets, Reuters reported on Monday.

The oil giant set the August OSP for Asian customers at a premium of $1.20 per barrel (pb) to the Oman/Dubai average.

Meanwhile, the firm raised the August OSP of its Arab light crude oil sold to the US to a $1.65 pb premium to the Argus Sour Crude Index (ASCI).

Moreover, the OSP for Arab light crude oil delivered to Northwestern Europe was raised to a premium of $0.70 pb to Brent.